Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A bit of a break

Well, we are finally in a break from exams... mostly. I have one tomorrow (and a quiz I have to take today sometime) and a few quizzes next week. No big deal with any of these... after that, shit hits the fan again.

But, I'm mainly writing today just because these past few days I have just been feeling a bit down. Sad, because everyone is counting down until thanksgiving break and getting to see their family, but not me, as far as I know. I'd love to fly home for a few days; its about $300-350 for a round trip ticket- not bad at all. But, I'm not sure if I want to do that seeing as I just spent a lot going to the wedding. I guess the big thing is that I really really miss my family (ie, mom). We are so so close and it is really hard being so far away, even if a lot of the time, I wouldn't be able to go home to see her if I was closer, anyway. I talk to her multiple times a day, but still, it doesn't get any easier.

I also want to bring up the topic with her of possibly getting another dog. I would love to bring one home- I have no hesitation with it, but I know my mom does with me staying with her over Christmas break, and maybe some summers. I think Beamer would really be a lot happier with a playmate out here, too. I would LOVE to get a puppy, but I know that is not feasible right now, especially since the next puppy I want to get would be a show dog (conformation). I do not have the time (or money) right now to do that. So, I was thinking of adopting an older dog. Maybe 2-5 years old... I just need to run the idea past mom, but I don't think she will go for it. Though, when I told her I was going to get a puppy (Beamer boy) she was totally opposed to the idea and now she is in love with him. So, it might just happen anyway... I just hate going against her on things like this.

Also, I feel like I'm in a bit of a rut with the roomies. I just don't feel like I am fitting in as I did a few months ago. I know I'm pretty different from most people, which I'm alright with. I like my peace and quiet and being by myself. I just hate it when things cause trouble or I have to confront them about things. Lately, it has been a cleaning issue because I have been the only one trying to clean the house, and it is frustrating. I guess we all have different expectations on how things should look, and I like them to look neat and tidy to the best of my ability (because, I know I don't have time to clean as much as I'd like to). Also, me feeling like I am buying a lot more food and they are eating my stash, so I told them I am going to be buying my own stuff, basically, from now on. So, I don't know- again, I don't feel like I am fitting in with them to the point of last night, I was actually going through and looking at potential other places to live for next year. Ideally, I'd love to live on my own and by myself, but it is just SO much more expensive, I feel like it is not economically feasible with my loan money. Plus, it is nice to have roomies to let the dogs out if I have to stay late for something or to ask questions about classes, etc. So, I have no idea what I'm going to do... maybe try to find another person to live with (I know one of my friends wants to move out of where she is now). I just hesitate because things go alright for a few months and then you get to a point of you can't stand living with them anymore.

Okay, I guess that is enough ranting for now. I really need to get my butt in gear and start studying since I took a few days break and did basically nothing. Now I have an impending quiz and exam.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wedding and Midterms

Been a little bit since I've updated. I've been super busy with midterms this past week or so. I did well on all of them as far as I know. Still waiting on my practical grade from yesterday, but I think I did decently well on that. I still have 3 quizzes this week, but I feel a bit out of the woods for the moment. I am maintaining A's and B's while in vet school, which is my goal. I'd like the option of a residency if I still want to do that when I graduate, so hopefully I can maintain like I am. I don't feel like I'm drowning yet, or overwhelmed. I think that might change, but for now, my study methods seem to be working for me. I don't have a ton of time for myself (as compared to undergrad) but I still make sure that I devote time to my lovely handsome boy, Beamer, and of course, take care of myself.

Anyway, now to the most exciting part! This past weekend I flew out to Myrtle Beach, SC, for my beautiful mother's wedding. I had been looking forward to this weekend for quite some time (I swear this was the only thing keeping me going). I left school about 12:30 on my way to St. Louis for the airport. Stopped at Chick-fil-a to get a rare lunch from there. I had plenty of time, my plane didn't take off until 5. After I had parked and took the shuttle to the airport, I met a fellow Mizzou Vet Med graduate. He gave me his card and he is a cattle vet! So maybe I could get in contact with him at some point. I really love working with cows.
Anyway, my first plane took me to Atlanta (which was surprisingly crowded due to there being a Mizzou game in Georgia that weekend). I had a quick layover and then off to Myrle Beach. I finally arrived at about 10:30 that evening and my sister's picked me up. It was great to see them (and even greater to have my youngest sister actually not hate me. She seemed to be out of that teenage stage). I'm really proud of her because she really seems to be getting her life together (She's only 16) but is putting the work into high school to try to get into a 4 year university for nursing (or maybe even medical school, who knows!)
Once back at the hotel, I drop everything and give my mom a huge long hug. I have missed her so much and I am also so happy for her since she really deserves an amazing husband like she has found. We chat a bit and then I go crash for the night (but really didn't sleep well).

The next morning, I went to breakfast with my grandparents and my great-grandparents (who I rarely see- It was great to see them again!) I met up with one of my best friends (which I have kind of/sort of been fighting with... long story). All seemed to be alright, but I can tell our friendship is not what it was before. But anyway, we took a quick trip to walmart so I could pick up Pokemon X (long awaited for this game!! Which is AMAZING, BTW! Definitely the pokemon game we have all been longing for!) Then back to the hotel to go lay on the beach for a bit.

Finally, it was time to get ready for the wedding. My mom looked gorgeous in her dress and they did a great job on her hair. The wedding itself was beautiful and perfect- right on the beach, beautiful weather, surrounded by all my family and her friends. My sister's and I also participated in the sand ceremony, plus pictures, of course!

The small reception we had was at a great restaurant called Flamingo Grill. Great food, and even some cake! Finally, My sisters, grandparents, mom and new step-father all headed to Margaritaville (because you can't have a trip to Myrtle Beach and NOT go to Margaritaville) for some delicious margaritas! I also bought a jacket from the store. I think my grandparents had a bit too much to drink and it was actually really amusing watching them being tipsy/drunk, haha!

Then, I basically crashed for the evening again since I had to be up at 7 for my plane at 9:30. We said our goodbyes at the airport with tears. It is so hard to leave since I probably won't be seeing my mom again until Christmas. The flights back were fine, and I was actually home at about 3:30 that afternoon. I had come up with a brilliant plan on the plane thinking I might be able to fly home for a few days the weekend before thanksgiving to see my family and just have someone watch Beamer for that time. Mom said that they might have something planned, so we will see and talk about it later. Just the way she said that makes me think that she might have plans to fly out here and see me instead, I'm not sure. I really do hope that is the case because it is killing me not being there with them.

Well anyway, that's all for tonight. I'm exhausted from a super long day and just want to relax and sleep (meaning play some Pokemon!) I had to give Beamer boy a bath tonight because he rolled in something nasty on our walk (thanks, buddy!) Wasn't expecting that tonight, but he was going to have one this week, anyway. He isn't sleeping in my bed stinking! 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

24 hours to go

Well, tomorrow is my dreaded Physiology exam on the cardiovascular system. I really really hate physiology with a passion and just can't bring myself to study it all that much. Yesterday, I did a bit, but not enough, I feel like. I also seem like no matter how much I study, the material just isn't sinking in more than it has. The questions are tricky and tough. But, anyway, enough about that! It's the weekend, I should be enjoying it, right? Especially after I just kicked my Anatomy Practical out of the ballpark (94!!!) Was not expecting that, but I am super excited. Got at 82.5 on my written anatomy exam (I'll take it considering I didn't study much for it). Also got an A on my Cell Biology exam, sweet! Also had two other quizzes I did well on this week. So, yeah, I'm a pretty happy camper right about now. Minus physiology.
The other thing that is exciting is that I get to fly out and visit my mom on Friday for her wedding! I've been waiting for this since school started to get to see her and now I get to go visit her at the beach, I just can't wait. (Plus, Pokemon X and Y come out xD).

So, that's all I've got to update for today. Filled with lots of good and bad emotions right now, but mostly good. :)