Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Time flies when you are having... fun?

Wow, week 6 is already over halfway done. Shit is about to hit the fan next week, though, starting with a quiz monday and then exam thursday and friday (Anatomy!! Ahh!!) Crazy how it seems that I was just taking the first one not too long ago. This week has been busier than I would have liked... Poor Beamer was home by himself for about 12 hours the other day, I felt terrible :( But, he is handling it very very well. I try to walk him every day now, and he usually will let me know if I don't. It is going to be hard to do that come exam time, again. Other than that, things just seem to be flowing! I am loving Book 2 of Korra and can't wait for more! Also, my new WiiU and Windwaker HD is simply AMAZING. There are just not enough words... it is one of my favorite zelda games!

Okay, now for a bit of a change in pace. Some days, I feel alright about being alone out here. I call my mom at least once a day and talk to her. I talk to my dad at least once a week. Sometimes I'll hear from my sisters. I try to talk to my two amazing wives daily as well. Everyone in my life has always been super supportive and is there to talk when I need to. I feel like I still need to find that system out here. My roomies have been alright for that, but now that we are knee deep in vet school, things just seem a bit off; I think just because stress is high and no one wants to do dishes or clean, that kind of deal. I really like to be by myself most of the time, though it is nice having fellow first years to ask questions to so easily and sharing our laundry. So, I don't know how things will go for the future, but for now, we seem to manage. I think I am just more of a loner/solitary type person.

I'm also trying to find my niche with the class. My 'friend' group is basically my roomies plus two others that I've become good friends with who were in my VET group (and one is in my lab group). I just wish I could find someone who I could be as close with as I am to my two wives, but I really don't see that happening. I haven't really clicked with anyone with the same 'nerdy' tendencies that I have like Korra, Video Games, Tumblr, Harry Potter, Star Wars... that kind of deal. It would be so nice if I could! So, sometimes I just feel really alone out here and want to cry (sometimes, you just need to let it all out) but I know I'm out here for my future career. So, that makes it all worth it, right?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 4 DONE!

Wow, what can I say... I am knee deep in vet school now. One month in- week 4 completed! Suffice to say, I'm so excited! Glad to be done with these few crazy weeks and just one more exam to go for this 'first set,' which is Physiology on Monday (blech!) This morning before class, I got a wonderful present in my mailbox! My wonderful 'big' got me a huge thing of peanut MnM's that said we are halfway through with block one. It is crazy to think that... so, just 4 more weeks to go until block one is finished. That also means just one more month to go until I fly out to see my mom's wedding (and not to mention Pokemon X and Y comes out!)

Beamer and I have pictures in the morning for the school. They are great and take your picture with your pets and then hang up a large canvas in the school for everyone! Then, they repeat with the next class and we eventually get to keep them! So, needless to say, Beamer got completely groomed up today with a bath (That he desperately needed), blow dry, and groom. Also, tonight was FINALLY the premiere of Legend of Korra: Book 2 that we have been waiting for over a year! It lived well up to my expectation and surpassed it! I can't wait to see what this season brings... lots and lots of feels, that's for sure. I could not hold my emotion tonight and I think my roomies believe that I'm a bit crazy or obsessive... but hey, I could care less. The only thing being that the preview for the next episode wasn't even a preview at all!! UGH

Well, anyway, that's about all I've got going on at the moment. Tomorrow afternoon, the roomies and a few friends are going to go hiking over at Devil's icebox! Should be a lot of fun since they have never been and it is going to be GORGEOUS out! Other plans for this weekend is to mainly just study Physiology other than the normal things (like cleaning and going to the store).

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 3 of Vet School Complete

Well, I have survived to say that I completed my third (and thus far) hardest week of vet school so far. Mainly, due to our Anatomy exams we had on Friday. Let me start out by saying this week, we had 3 total exams and one quiz. I aced the quiz, no problem (and I enjoy that it says great job, Dr. Jess (well, it does say my last name, but not posting that here!) Then on Thursday we had our first vet school exam, Cell Bio. I aced that, too, with a 100%. That was a great morale booster. I still have a 100% in that class after the first quiz and exam, great!

Finally, the day we had all dreaded had come- Friday. We had our Anatomy Practical and Written portion on the thoracic limb, plus a few other subjects from lecture. I had started with a cold earlier this week, too, so that didn't make it any better. We got our practical grades back, I managed an 82, which is about what I expected, so perfect! Better than the average, so I'm happy with it. The written part, we are all still waiting on, but I think everyone failed miserably. It was a pretty awful exam. Oh well, I'm not too concerned since everyone did bad.

That night, the 2nd years threw us a smoker at a club downtown. It was A TON of fun with food, an open bar for a few hours, dancing, and even celebratory cigars. That was exactly what I needed after that day. Unfortunately, I was made DD, so I didn't get to drink very much :(

The next day, we had to also work the football game through SCAVMA selling food at the concession stand. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it took up our whole day and my roomies and I were exhausted by the time we got home. So, at that point, most of our weekend was gone and no one had done any studying for our exams next week.

So now, I'm stuck home all day today studying (after we went grocery shopping). Not too terrible, though, it could be a lot worse. At least the worst exam is over for the time being.

Also, today, I decided to go ahead and pre-order the Windwaker special edition Wii U. It comes out in a few weeks, and it is for a limited time. I REALLY wanted it and was waiting for the perfect time to get a Wii U. Now seems to be it, so I'm going for it, even though it is $300. So, I'm pumped for that!

Anyway, need to get back to studying! I really don't feel like doing anything else today, but tomorrow is a busy day as well, and then exams on Tuesday and wednesday. Plus possibly a quiz one of those days and one on friday, wow!

Monday, September 2, 2013

No update this week, guys. Not much has been going on- we've got our first exams coming up at the end of this week, so studying is where most of my time has been going.