Seems like vet school flies by at times... here we are 3 weeks until block 6 is over (which also means... weeks until finals... eek!)
Things have been really busy the past few weeks- tests have been pretty relentless- 3 exams per week, plus a quiz and also homework assignments. Finally, this week, I feel like I can catch my breath with JUST two exams and a quiz (wow!) Then, the last two weeks of the block are going to be hellacious no matter what...
Anyway, so that is school. Not much else going on with that besides just studying (and feeling burnt out already). My dad was just visiting for the weekend and we had a nice time together. It was really good to see him and spend some quality time together. I hadn't seen him since Christmas last year, so I was thrilled to have a weekend alone with him. I tossed up the idea of possibly telling him that I'm gay while he was here, but ultimately decided against it. If he reacts unfavorably (which is a possibility), I didn't want to ruin the two days we had together. So, that will be a conversation for another time and I am hoping relatively soon. My mom and two sisters already know. My friends all know out here, my best friends from home, of course, know... and I'm slowly coming out to other people. Just the other day, I told my first friend from work and that went well. It is a slow progress...
I also had a few promising dates over these past few weeks, but it ultimately didn't work out... not for lack of trying. And I'm sad to say I wish it had; because we had ALL the same interests and everything! I just... didn't feel that 'spark' or chemistry... whatever you would want to call it. And, I know if it isn't there to begin with, it just won't be for me. So, back into the dating pool I go. It's been an extremely frustrating process (especially with my schedule) but I am not willing to settle for something that I know I will not be happy with. Even if it is something that isn't long-term, I'd be willing... as long as I felt some kind of chemistry. I'd even be down for just casual dating- minimal commitment- we will just have to see what I can find out there. I feel like a lot of my frustration is sexual frustration- it is definitely difficult to get through life without a significant other. I just /really/ need to find a girlfriend...
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