Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bad week to good

Today marks 2 weeks until my move to Missouri. Crazy how it is going so fast but I keep putting off packing. I have done a fair amount, but still have a ways to go. It is also 3 days until I leave for Comic-Con!! It is creeping up fast! I figure once I get back from there, I'll get most of my packing done.

I had my last day of work on Friday, and it was probably the worst day I've had in a while. Work actually went fine. I was the surgery assistant and only worked until 3. But, no one seemed to care that it was my last day. I won't be back home until Christmas and I won't ever be working there again. There was no card, no parting gift, or anything, really. It was really hurtful and I was holding back tears all day once I got home. I felt forgotten, unappreciated, and worthless. I still feel that way even a few days later... I've worked there for almost 6 years (on and off when I was away at school) and full time now for over one year. I learned everything from them and they taught me all the skills I have right now. I am grateful for that, but the work environment has been terrible (management...) I've been an ideal employee... never called in sick, rarely, if ever late. I'm just trying to figure out why no one seemed to care to even get me a card for my last day. It might not have hurt as much if we didn't make a big deal over someone else who left a few months ago with a small food party, card, and everyone pitched in some money, including myself. I guess, I'm just ranting and trying to figure out why... I'm not sure if I ever will. Friday night I basically cried myself to sleep...

Late Friday night, mom came in with a surprise to cheer me up. She said she was going to torture me on the way down to the Jimmy Buffett concert the next day thinking we had lawn seats. But it turns out she got me Orchestra seats as my going away present!! So yesterday, we drove down to VA beach to tailgate before the concert. We stopped at Cheeseburger in Paradise in Fredericksburg for lunch and then had a nice dinner of pasta salad, fruit salad, guacamole, and chicken sausage on the grill complete with 2 margaritas! The concert itself was amazing and we were SO close to the front. I was beat by the end of it and mom somehow managed to drive the 4 hours home while I was passed out asleep. So a bad week turned good, I guess.

I am also still working on my Mass Effect run-through. I am nearing the end of ME2. Just a few more loyalty missions and then to get Legion and then the ending! I hope to finish it up before comic-con so that I just have ME3 to work on once I get back. Still hoping to have that finished by the day I leave, but we will see.


  1. I am sorry to hear that your work parting was so poor! Perhaps no one realized it was your last day- I know when I went in for my last day to shadow at the small animal clinic (not that this is quite the same as being employed by them), the only person who really knew was one of the veterinarians. At the end of the day I said goodbye and gave everyone hugs; then they all realized it was my last day. Perhaps they just didn't realize?

    Otherwise, you have certainly worked with a bunch of jerks!! Try not to let it get to you. Just remember it for the future when you (maybe) own your own clinic!

    The JB concert certainly sounds fun :)

  2. My work always does a going away... thing (bringing a cake or something) to the work meeting that takes place before someone leaves. Today was that day for me, but they cancelled the work meeting so I totally know how you feel :(

  3. Thanks both of you for the very kind comments. I have tried to rationalize it, but just cannot seem to find a good reason for it. But, it is done and gone now, nothing I can do about it. Sometimes you just have to let things go, and after I got back from my trip, I have... or at least I hope. Sorry it has taken me so long to respond, it has been a crazy few days. And I'm sorry about your workplace, too, Rachel. It does stink.
