I can finally say that I'm done with school for the first time since August... it has been a wild ride, vet school, but I will NOT miss you for the next 8 weeks I have off (which is longer than we usually have, apparently). Anyway, I'm just glad to not have to study anymore for 8 weeks... my brain needs a break after 5 blocks. I successfully finished my first year and even part of my second. Finals this time... went great and I /think/ I made a 4.0 this block, so that makes me ecstatic.
My mom is now in town to visit me... I'm super excited for her to be here! We have quite a few plans... and it will be so sad to see her leave. But I will be enjoying it while it lasts. I'll post more about her trip once she's gone back home.
I apparently start my VRSP research on Monday, but I still am not sure what exactly I'm doing... My mentor has been out of town the past two weeks, I don't know what time I'm even supposed to show up on Monday. So, that should be fun. I haven't even started my project yet and we have abstracts that are due in a little over a week for the convention at Cornell the first week of August.
Speaking of conventions... Comic-con is just a month away and I could not be more excited! I am so pumped to be going back out to where my people are, going to the panels I love, meeting some new friends, and exploring that exhibition hall once again.
I guess since the last time I posted, I've gotten a new addition to my family as well! I told myself a ton of times I wouldn't get a puppy during vet school... and well... he just kind of stole my heart. His name is Fenway- he is 1/8 Bernese Mountain Dog and the rest Golden Retriever. A friend who is associated with a golden rescue was fostering him and I just couldn't say no. He has settled in pretty well (minus a few bumps in the road at the beginning). Beamer took about a week to accept him, but since then they've been buddies.
So, plans for this summer: Dog training, read ASoIaF books, play video games, get my life back in order, and try to relax!!