Well, it's almost that time again (didn't I just make a blog post not that long ago after finals?) Well, regardless, it's nearly the end of April... a crazy month as it is. A lot has been going on- lots of exams, staying busy with classes and other things. Lets see... Open House was earlier this month- that was a blast! Had a ton of fun giving tours (though a bit nerve-wracking doing my first one). All went well, though. Beamer and I also helped out with the PALS booth for the other half of it, so I didn't get to see much of Open House, but we still had a great (and exhausting time). I got to see my little (whoo!!) and another incoming first year I've made great friends with. We went out for dinner that night and had a blast. I guess I should also mention that Gentle Doctor Benefit was the weekend before open house. I helped out with registration for that- got a free meal and free drinks. We had a good time with it as well! The morning of GDB was the Dog Jog to raise money for the local humane society. I actually won something from a raffle (and something I can use!) A 1 month membership for the Columbia Canine Sports Center.
I actually signed Beamer up for classes that started last week- Agility. We have our second class tomorrow night which should be fun. He did amazing- much better and more confident than I thought he would be! Especially since the only intro class we ever took was over a year ago. He zoomed up the A-frame like a champ the first time he was on it. Not so much a fan of the weaves or the dog walk, but we will work on them. Such a good boy!
Lets see... today, we all took one of the hardest exams to date- the large animal anatomy exam of the head. I don't think I've ever studied so hard in my life... And, I'm not even sure how well it went. Not the greatest, but I think I managed alright. Just glad that is over... and we only have a little over a week left of anatomy forever! The best part is we are done with the large animals! We just get to do fun birds and reptiles now!! How exciting! Except... that finals are next week. We've got a quiz on Thursday to wrap this week up and then 7 exams next week *cry*
Oh, I don't want to forget that I have an interview on Thursday for the Purina student rep position- I'm not a fan of interviews, but I feel that it is exciting since this is a position that I would love to have! I also decided to run for PALS president next year- a big step for me since I've never been president of anything... and the current president thinks I'll be a great fit- so that makes me feel good about myself.
My birthday is in less than a week- but I feel like I cannot properly celebrate until finals are over. It's going to suck, but then it will be glorious when they are done. I got a package from my dad already (I'm waiting to open it on Sunday- my actual birthday) and my mom is sending some things as well. I feel like I should enjoy opening things my actual birthday since I will only be studying for finals and not really get to enjoy the day like I rightfully should.
I guess lastly (this is an all over the place blog post, sorry!) Beamer and I are entered in a Rally trial the weekend after finals! We are starting to go for our RAE, so that means we are entered in Rally Advanced and Excellent B twice on Saturday and once Sunday (that's 6 times in the ring total). We have to Q in both Advanced and Excellent to get 1 leg towards our title (we need 10!) So it would be great to get a few knocked out that weekend. I know he can do it, too! If he just focuses in the ring and I don't get so nervous.